Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Lab 4 Part 1

Lab 4 Part 1

Q Water Lab • Points 6 • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Submit the Water Lab here. For the water lab, write a summary of what you did, what your data was, and write a summary of your results and conclusions. This should include information and data from all days we worked on the water lab. I expect this writeup will be 1-2 pages long.

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Purpose: Water quality test for possible coliform bacteria on the first day of the lab , we collected nine samples of the water from around the saccamendo area . Below you will see the locations where water samples were collected. 1. Putah Creek before Arboretum 2. Putah Creek in Arboretum 3. Glass Valley Irridation Pitch 4. Howe Park American River 5. CSUS American River